2 min readJul 16, 2021


WARNING! Attosecond state-resolved carrier motion in Quantum Materials with soft X-ray Spectroscopy Research Project being stopped for 8 weeks to find — 1 inch diameter achromatic zero-order quarter waveplate at the wavelength range between 1.200 to 2.300 nm with lambda/4 flatness and Scratch-dig 40–20 or better. —

Transforming a bottleneck in the lab into a business opportunity

Four years ago, Barbara Buades, the CEO and Co-founder at MEETOPTICS, was working on the lab, doing a PhD in Physics, when she found herself having to stop for 8 weeks to find a specific optical component (1 inch diameter achromatic zero-order quarter waveplate at the wavelength range between 1.200 to 2.300 nm with lambda/4 flatness and Scratch-dig 40–20 or better) in order to continue with the work. She realised the problem of searching specific optics and photonics components available in our industry did not affect only her, but many engineers and researchers frustrated by bottlenecks that prevented them from doing their research.

MEETOPTICS was then born: to help the community build photonics more efficiently.

MEETOPTICS is the First highly specialized Search Engine for Real-time Photonic Components and Technologies.

MEETOPTICS helps thousands of engineers, researchers and innovators optimize their lead times and quickly find the optics they need to create new photonics devices and technologies that will improve our lives. With a highly customizable search engine designed especially for researchers and optical engineers, it is easy to find, filter and compare >40.000 optical components from worldwide suppliers in just minutes.

With a growing need for photonic components in all lines of research, cutting the burden of the procurement allows engineers, researchers and scientists focus on the important: the innovation.

And you, are you going to let your Research stop for weeks to find the optic you need?

